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Nutritional Psychiatry: The Next Big Frontier In Mental Health

Right now, most of the research has been done on a Mediterranean diet, with some research showing that people who eat this way (think: cutting out processed junk and loading up on fiber-rich veggies, fruits, fish, nuts, beans, legumes, olive oil, fermented foods, and some meat) have a 30-50 percent lower risk of depression....

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Eating blueberries every day improves heart health

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Eating a cup of blueberries a day reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease—according to new research led by the University of East Anglia, in collaboration with colleagues from Harvard and across the UK. New findings published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that eating 150g of blueberries...

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Up to 25 cups of coffee a day safe for heart health, study shows – CNN

“What we found was that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day did not significantly increase the stiffness of blood vessels compared to people who drink one cup or less a day,” Kenneth Fung, who led the data analysis at Queen Mary University of London, told CNN. “The main message for people...

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